Domestic retrofit conference

Domestic retrofit conference

Improving the energy efficiency of homes across the Midlands.

Today, we met with local authorities across the region to discuss delivering retrofit projects at scale. Thank you to the Midlands Net Zero Hub for the invitation and to all the speakers and attendees! Find out more about the work that Midlands Net Zero Hub undertakes to tackle fuel poverty and reduce bills by improving the energy efficiency of homes in the Midlands on

Domestic retrofit schemes

To achieve the national and local ambition of becoming carbon neutral, emissions from buildings need to be reduced through improved energy efficiency. There is a government target for all buildings to be above an EPC C by 2035 and by 2030 for fuel poor households.Local authorities have a responsibility to support the domestic transition to net zero and reduce the number of people experiencing fuel poverty. The Sustainable Warmth strategy committed billions of pounds (across available grant schemes) to support local authorities with this agenda.

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